KYUNGHAN is a Korean company. Steri-Ace… Synonymus with Retort. Steri-ace, Kyunghan Co., Ltd., Nissen Japanese, traditional dipping type, hot water spraying type, autoclaves, ready-made bags, glass jars, tin cans, plastic containers

KYUNGHAN is a Korean company who has a technical cooperation with Japanese NISSEN for the manufacture of STERI-ACE retorts / pasteurizers / cookers / sterilizers which use a technique of steam-air effectively circulating in the chamber. This technique is superior to traditional immersion type as well as water-spray type retorts in that STERI- ACE systems much better temperature distribution within the chamber, would generally require less energy and less time and less space. Premade pouches, glass jars, cans, plastic cups and trays could all be heat-treated in STERI-ACE retorts.

Kyunghan Co. Ltd. 58, Gongdan 8-ro, Jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 38463 South KOREA (R.O.K.)

Steam Flow of STERI-ACE
Water Flow of STERI-ACE
Packaging Types
Temperature and Time Graph for 2-Step Sterilization of Steam-Air System
Temperature and Time Graph for 2-Step Sterilization of Steam-Air System
Temperature and Time Graph for Ordinary Sterilization
Temperature and Time Graph for Ordinary Sterilization